Friday, December 22, 2006

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows???

The Deathly Hallows? ok that has to be the lamest title yet... what in the world is a deathly hallow???? read the story here... I wonder what she was thinking.. deathly hallow... is it me or does that sound pretty pretentious? It could just be the fact that nothing is impressing me today... maybe I should revisit this when I'm in a better mood.....


Kanya said...

i quite agree. the woman has clearly gone off her head. the fame, cocaine and pressure to impress must have got her - i always knew it would. they love her today but when the "final" fails to please them and live up to all its hype then there will be communal book burnings and a stampede of rage in bookstores across the world. nice, respectable bookshop-owners with names like Godfrey and Townsend will bow to the furious masses or be brtually crushed in their wake. the end has come. and all because she used the word "Hallows".
Attica!! Attica!! (well, not really but you know what i mean:) )

Liking your blog cousin. excited to read more! as you know i have been a huge fan of your writing from age five (or roughly as far back as i can remember). your fictional works in particular will stay with me always:)

well done:)

Ayeshea said...

Attica! Attica! Yes I like that... I think I'll storm Vijitha Yapa because they dont carry enough Neil Gaiman in any case.

Morquendi said...

Someone with a blog titled 'Stream of Consciousness' is complaining about a bad title? HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off Morq. You're a twat.