Friday, December 22, 2006

morning glory

ah the beauty of a hung over work morning.... the thing is I havent even got the chance to GET the damn hangover.. my body is still in the process of realising that its really quite drunk. Ofcourse my body also still tells me that theres no way this can be morning dammit... its still fricking DARK outside! I've been doing up some reading on hangovers... as a means of passing the time which is ticking slowloy... so.... slowly....I have found out that globe artichoke essence is not a good remedy for hangovers... globe ARTICHOKE???? These wikipedia guys were ON something were they not? Ah... we learn... thats the beauty of life innit? We always learn....


Dejan said...

morning glory seeds mashed in water.... for a couple of days .... strained.... good seuff

Anonymous said...

The memoirs of a dillusional alchoholic psychopath...How i love thee!