Friday, December 22, 2006

seasonal office cheer

Secret Santa is a crazy concept.. I pushed for it mercilessly in office and somehow became the chief organiser. How hard could it possibly be? Just mix up the names and tell em to buy gifts for each other right? How wrong I was.... I didnt reckon with the COMPLICATIONS.
Firstly there were a few militants out there who felt that we shouldnt even celebrate Christmas.... secondly there were a few very disgruntled people who were very bitter about the gifts they got last year... among them a cantankerous old gentleman who had been gifted a baila tape by his secret santa who has been in hiding ever since.
SO I have to first carry out a damn poll... ASKING people if they want to participate.... then I had to make another list, and actually note down who gets whom so that there can be no more mess ups... then we set the date and half the people get chickun gunya so i have to postpone it. Now I'm getting yelled at by people who've already put their presents under the tree. Oh I'm not happy. Add to this the fact that I'm still hung-over, still in the throes of sleeplessness, craving an energy drink for some odd reason and the combination is not pleasant. I have now taken to laughing oddly by myself and muttering random phrases in the hope that people will just bloody leave me alone....
the fish were told.


Morquendi said...

oh no. another whiney blog! just take a machine gun to work and get it over with willya?

Dayan Ranasinghe said...

ha ha ha ha :)

Ayeshea said...

Yeah. So? What are you going to do about it???? (said ayeshea firmly and resolutely standing her ground in the face of an intimidating Morq clad in bright orange boxer shorts..)By the way please watch this space for incriminating photographic evidence... Morq... shooting my employees is no fun... I've decided to psycho stalk you instead.
haaa haa haaa ha haa ha haa ha haaa

Anonymous said...

How about adopting the more humane approach then?( For yourself as well as for those less fortunate around you)Dont shoot your fellow employees..just shoot yourself!!
(Ani realises her purpose in life, the elucidation to all the worlds woes!)

Unknown said...

My friend actually wanted to do this secret-santa thing in our office....we just thought of all the ppl in our office and changed our minds!!! ( since no one & i mean NO ONE would want to give our boss a present...except maybe a nicely wrapped bomb! )