As I walked down the road to office on a Sunday morning, I smiled at a couple of people down the road: A garbage collector and an old security guard outside the Hallmark Building. Their response was instantenous - er.. that means that they smiled back. Then suddenly I remembered one of those cheesy notices that someone had stuck on one of the notice boards near our grade block in school - something about it taking only 17 facial muscles to smile while it took 32 to frown or some such thing aimed at lightening the disposition of some 125 sulky teenagers who thought they knew it all...
And then it struck me...
Why does it then hurt your face to continously smile whereas frowning can be mantained for an idefinite period of time with minimal facial discomfort? 

If smiling is less effort as the notice insinuated, why is it harder to maintain? Can the answer be found in economics? The more effort you put it into the production of something the better it will work? Or is it that smling is a more alien state of being to man?
Just wondering...
Hmmmmm quite the rhetorical question indeed.... but before i ponder upon the behavioural patterns of facial muscles, i have a few questions of my own.
1) What in hells name were you drinkin/smoking/hit by, when you thought of this?
2) Whens the last time you took a look at real world problems? (ie, not related to facial muscles)
3) Has MENSA ever contacted you?
4) If this freaky pattern of thinking is standard behaviour, maybe its time for your friends to slowly back away from you.... doo dee dooo deee doooo......
No but seriously now that you have broughtthe point up... it does in fact hurt more when you try to hold a smile for a while, i dont know about others out there, but my reason is beecause one of my wisdom teeth is growing crooked, Inside my jaw... i cant hole any expression for long let alone a smile.....
SO you're not a vampire after all! Or is this all just a clever ruse? (back off! Wild spawn from hell!)
Everytime someone comes up with that "it takes 32 muscles to smile..." line I tend to reply with "so you're saying only lazy people smile"?
Or "So fat people should frown to lose weight?!"
Complete bollocks.
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