Rishan told me quite categorically to enjoy our day at Galle Face because there wouldn't be another for a very long time... Aindri and Sanjaka down from the states and newly married... Venu with John just down as well, Partner in Negombo and all things hostile in uni - Husna, Rikki who had returned from England after 5 years... resident optimist Rishan back from the states and a cruise around Europe and newly hitched Dayan who is not in any of the pictures.

Also featuring a very pensive me.. I had knicked Rishans i-pod because I had decided that it was high time I began to look cool and I was meditating upon the fact that exactly one year ago was a period in which I honestly thought I would never be happy again...
These pictures are a reminder that I was very wrong, a celebration of that amazing human ability to heal and move on and most importantly a celebration of my friends without whom I would have gone ballistic...

Really really missed Vin and Deanne - one in London and the other at rehearsal and since I could never have survived without either of them I'm putting them in here too. (Besides Deanne needs all the exposure she can get, since she has high aspirations that the Prince of Jaipur will notice her on someones blog, whisk her away into the desert and swear his undying love for her...)


1 comment:
Deanne needs braces
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